Here are some operating point options for 2k5, 3k5 and 5k loads.

A blog about the journey of a DIY Audio enthusiast who doesn't care too much of the 'esoteric' ultra-priced commercial hifi equipment. I may be wrong, some or most of the time, but hey, it's my journey and I welcome you to share with me on that journey. Currently interested in headphones, open baffle speakers, full range drivers, tube amps and Pass Lab Class A designs.
Here is a quick idea for a simple 6c19p SE design.
The great thing is that I have most of the parts lying around, with the exception of the power transformer. This can make good use of the Lundahl choke rated at 150mA, the CSS kit from K and K Audio and a few Jensen and Cerafine electrolytic capacitors. As usual, my enemy is time in getting around to hooking it all up. This would make a nice stereo amp. Maybe a schematic to follow.
This could even work for swapping out the output tube for a 45, by changing the bias capacitor and heater supplies. With B+ at 300V, the 45 could be 250V at 50V bias. Could work as a great convertible experimenter's amp.
Here are some key facts and information regarding this tube. The information below is gleamed from tube datasheets, websites, forums and playing with the tube itself (but not in an electrical circuit yet).
Just purchases the Bottlehead's new OTL headphone amplifier, the Crack . Seems like an interesting addition to my headphone system. It is relatively cheap, and looks to have plenty of room for upgrades/tweaks and expansion. Never used an OTL amp before, so it'd be interesting to build and compare this to the other headphone amps I have running.
The tube complement is very standard and readily available. The NOS prices on the two tubes, 12AU7 and 6AS7 are quite reasonable, moving up to the very expensive. But since it only uses one tube each, tube rolling may be an easy reality. Upgrades such as capacitor replacement (it looks 5 electrolytic can be replaced), CCS to the driver tube, resistor upgrades, sockets upgrades, etc. are possible.
Bottlehead seems to imply up to 4 weeks wait time, which is fine, as I am in no hurry to build. Over the last few months, I have come to the conclusion that headphone audiophile will be the main method of music enjoyment for myself. Mainly due to work and family arrangements. So, in the meantime, using my HD650, I will endeavour to build and listen to a wide a range of headphone amps as possible!
For reference, the following tubes may be suitable as substitutes.
12AU7 - ECC82, CV491, 5814, 6189, 5963, 6680, ECC802, E80CC and B749
6AS7/6080 - 7236, ECC230, 5998, WE421A, CV2523, 6336, 6520, 6h5c/6n5s, 6h13c/6n13s
Recently gained interest in Russian military surplus tubes, and inevitably the power tubes that tops the list include: GM70, 6C33 and GU50, etc. Here are some info on the 6C33 tube.
It appears there are two kinds of the 6C33; 6C33C and 6C33C-B. From reading various tech info, the 'B' designation seems to imply 'vibration proof, high reliability'. On the website above, the operation time (presume rated life) is shorter for the 'B' version at 750h rather than 1000h. The 'B' version seems to have lower internal resistance does have better acceleration and impact ratings. The curves for the two appear to be near identical.