Here are some of the progress photos.
Above: The empty chassis. The front timer is Australian Tasmanian Oak with a light french polish and wax. The black section is painted MDF with a satin varrnish.

Above: 95% of the parts for this amp laid out. Replaced the B+ caps with ASC oil caps. Binding posts are DIY Hifisupply guilded copper. The RCA are also from DIYHFS silver plated. The 1K resistors in direct signal path are 0.5W Audio Note Tantalum whilst the others were Kiwame carbon composition. The first heater cap was replaced with a giant 47uF solen. The primary signal coupling caps are the DIYHFS Obbligato premium caps. The inlet IEC was also replaced with one that has dual fuses and a built in filter.

Above: The top side of the board with the tube sockets installed.
Above: The completed PCB. Note the side of the first heater cap (Solen 47uF/400V)

Above: The B+ supply was changed from being on the PCB to on the chassis, to allow for the giant ASC 50uF oil caps. Note that I have used the terminal strips to make it easier for me to change the connections. Also makes it easier for anyone down the road, including myself to check and make sure everything is correctly functioning on the PSU side.

Above: The front section showing the connection of the speaker posts and RCA. The transformers were mounted on an angle to make it easier to install, but they may also reduce slightly the amount of interaction. However, given the stereo design, the stereo separation probably isn't extreme anyway.

Above: The wiring of the PSU section with the terminal strips and large B+ filter caps, all the connections have been made.

Above: The completed inside showing all parts connected and operational.

Above: The completed amp with the Russian tubes; 6N1P and 6P15P. These tubes were all purchased from eBay. I have also got a range of new production tubes and some JAN 6DJ8/6922 that I will try over the coming months.